Guyana’s 57st Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York)


July 6, 2017


Guyana Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York) donates over half a million dollars to Uncle Eddie’s Home

L-R are NY Committee Public Relations Director, Mr. Nevlon Duguid,  Vice Chairman Attorney Ms. Rhonda Binda,

Treasurer Ms. Sharmin Prince, Uncle Eddie’s Home Board Member Mr. Frdrick Collins and Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green)

A team of executive members from the Guyana Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York), led by its Vice Chairman, Attorney at Law Ms. Rhonda Binda, today donated over half a million dollars (GUY $550,000.00) to the Uncle Eddie’s Home in Georgetown, Guyana. Uncle Eddie’s Home is a privately run facility for the elderly. It is located at 826-829 Jackson Street, Tucville, Georgetown, Guyana.

The delegation comprised Vice Chairman, Ms. Rhonda Binda, Director of Public Relations & Diaspora Engagement Mr. Nevlon Duguid, and Treasurer, Ms. Sharmin Prince.  The visit to Guyana is sponsored by Dynamic Airways and Roraima Group of Companies.

Mayor of Georgetown, Hon. Patricia Chase-Green, Mr. Ricardo Banwari, Assistant Chief Probation and Social Services Officer and Secretary for the Elderly Commission, Ministry of Social Protection and Ms. Bonita Moore, Administrator of Uncle Eddie’s Home, were among the dignitaries at the ceremony. Mayor Green welcomed the delegation and thanked the Committee for its contribution to the maintenance of the senior citizens’ home. She called on other overseas organizations to join the effort to help maintain and manage facilities in Georgetown.

Presenting the funds to Mr. Fredrick Collins, a Board member of the Home, Ms. Prince noted that the monies are to be used for the full restoration of the kitchen as well as renovate other sections of the home. She promised to return in three months to monitor the progress of the restoration project. Mr. Collins expressed the Board’s gratitude for the donation and thanked the Guyana Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York) for making the Uncle Eddie’s Home a priority.

Vice Chairman Rhonda Binda announced that Committee is fully dedicated to promoting the health and wellness of residents at the facility. She disclosed that the Committee will make additional monetary and other contributions to help enhance wellness, safety and comfort of the dwelling.  Ms. Binda also announced that other charities in Guyana will benefit from the Committee resources in the future.

The delegation which is visiting Guyana from July 4 – 7, will hold discussions with government officials and other individuals about the Committee’s vision to foster cohesion in the diaspora, celebrate Guyana’s Independence through education, culture and diaspora engagement, establish Mashramani in New York as a permanent aspect of the Guyanese identity and culture and its agenda to assist various charities.

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