Tel: 929-263-2556. Email:
Fan The Flame Of Guyanese Patriotism!
Press Release
CONTACT: Nevlon Duguid, Director of Communications
Tel: 862-224-9697. Email:
CELEBRATION: The annual Guyana Independence Celebration in New York City will take place on Sunday, June 11, 2023, at 2 P.M., at LeFrak Center at Lakeside, Prospect Park: Parkside Avenue & Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn. The celebration includes the annual Guyana Independence Parade on Church Avenue, as well as the flag raising and award ceremony and the unity concert.
PARADE: The parade will commence at 12 noon on June 11, 2023, Church and Albany Avenues. It will proceed West on Church Ave, right on Flatbush Ave, left on Parkside Ave, and into Prospect Park for the Flag Raising ceremony and Unity Concert at 2 P.M.
VENDING AT CONCERT VENUE: Vending will be permitted for food and arts and craft. Interested vendors may contact 929-487-5095 or visit our website at: to register. There is a vending fee. Food vendors must acquire the requisite food handlers’ permit from the New York City Department of Health. Arts and craft vendors must obtain a license from the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs. Call 311 for assistance with permits.
(I) Before registering for a vending permit from the Committee, vendors must first purchase a 1-day general liability insurance from a reputable insurance company in keeping with NYS and NYC laws. Once proof of insurance for the date and time of the event is presented to the Committee a registration letter will be issued certifying registration.
(II) Vendors must abide by all Federal, State and City laws and by all rules and conditions under which their permit is issued, failing which the permit will be revoked without the refund of the vending fees.
(III) After registering (either online or in person) for the desired day, vendors must obtain one of two permits (or both where relevant) from NYC government before the vending permit is issued.
(a) Food Venders must obtain a food handler’s permit from the NYC Department of Health.
(b) Arts & Craft Vendors must obtain a permit from the NYC Department of Consumer Affair. Arts & Craft vendors must have a Tax ID number prior to applying for the permit from Department of Consumer Affairs.
(IV) Once the required NYC permit/s is obtained, vendors must present same and uplift the Committee’s Event Vending Permit. This permit, along with your NYC certificate, must be displayed at the front top of the vender’s booth on the day of the event for inspection by City inspectors and Committee staff.
(V) Vendors will not be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or any illegal substance or item.
(VI) Venders will be subjected to strict security search and inspection upon entry of the event premises and at any time thereafter.
(VII) No weapons or disposable glass bottles will be allowed.
(VIII) Vendors will be required to present photo ID for registration and for admittance at the celebration premises.
(IX) Venders are only allowed a maximum of three helpers. Vendors must submit the names, addresses and photo ID of helpers at registration or before the event.
CONCERT TICKETS: Entrance fee for the Independence concert is 45.00 per person. Regular and VIP tickets go on sale on May 1, 2023, and may be obtained from Eventbrite, established ticket outlets in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and New Jersey, to be announced, and via the Committee’s website.
For More Information call Tel: 929-487-5095 or visit: