
1. Interfaith Prayer Service:
Chair – Dr. Candace Cummings. Co-Chair: Mr. Kishore Seunarine.

2. Symposium
Chair – Dr. Ivelaw Griffith. Co-Chairs, Dr. Vibert Cambridge and Dr. Kimani Nehusi.

3. “Guyana Gives Back” –
A Day of Volunteerism:
Chair – Dr. Janice Emmanuel Co-Chairs: Dr. Steven Carryl. Dr. Rohan Somar, Attorney Cheddi
Jagan, II, , Dr. Jacqueline Gulstone and Attorney Rovin Rozario.

4.“Invest Guyana” Business and Investment Conference:
Chair – Mr. Ewart Marshall. Co-Chairs: Ms. Felicia Persaud, Ms. Anita Jaikaran, Mrs. Sybil
Chester, Dr. Shamir Ally.

5. United Nations Cocktail Reception and Exhibition:
Chairs – Ambassador George Talbot. Co-Chairs: Mr. Troy Torrington, Ms. Claire Goring, Ms.
Lourdeth Ferguson.

6. Flag Raising Ceremony:
Chairs: Dr. Sandra Harte. Co-Chairs: Ms. Sandra Harte, Mr. Baryn Benn, Ms. Ira Lewis.

7. Unity Concert and Cultural Extravaganza:
Chair – Ms. Rose October-Edun. Co-Chair: Mr. Malcolm Hall

8.President’s Cup Soccer Tournament & Youth
:Chair: Mr. Omotolo Goulding. Co-Chair: Mr. Jason Waldron, Ms. Joycelyn Smith

9. State Dinner
:Co-Chairs: Ms. Lourdeth Ferguson. Co-Chair: Mr. Rickford Burke, Ms. Claire Goring.

10. Mashramani
:Chair: Mr. Rickford Burke. Co-Chairs: Mr. Jack Barat, Mr. Sean London, Mr. Jason Waldron,
Attorney Cheddie Jagan, II, Ms. Brenda Hooper-Marshall. Mr. James Richmond, Ms. Lakshmee

11. Protocol, Invitations, Commemorative Journal, Memorabilia & Souvenirs:
Co-Chairs Ms. Claire Patterson-Mona and Mr. Standhope Williams.

12. Media, Public Relations and Diaspora Engagement
:Chair: Mr. Nevlon Duguid.

13. Fund Raising:
Co-Chairs: Consul General Brentnold Evans, Ms. Ann Narine, Mr. George Taitt, Ms. Janice Hall,
Attorney Rhonda Binda.

14. Queens Taskforce
: Chair: Dr. Taj Rajkumar. Co-Chairs: Attorney Chaddi Jagan,II, Jack Barat, Ann
Narine, James Richmond, Veronica Ralph-Munroe, Ms. Lakshmee Singh